Candy Corn…Gummies?


That’s right.  My first post after almost two months and all I’ve got to show you is my newest Bulk Barn Halloween candy discovery.

Yes…Bulk Barn already has Halloween candy!

I’m in heaven.

So yes, this is a shout out to my blend Omawarison’s blog Blurt.  Oma is very particular about his candy corn.  But one thing to note is that these are like the Twinkies of candy corn.  The nibs are never broken off, which means they are never overripe…and always in season.

Highly recommend this sugary goodness.  Chewy and taste exactly like traditional candy corn.

Perfect for this diabetic.


What is the meaning of this blog title, oh Miss Rat?, you wonder.

Well, let me tell you the story of a little undertaking that a number of blends of mine have been involved with called The Jolie Pez Project.

The Jolie Pez Project? you ask, obviously intrigued now.  What is that all about?

The project is the brainchild of Omawarisan over at Blurt.  Oma has organized quite the operation.  He prepares transportation for The Jolie – the rather frisky action figure of Angelina Jolie circa Tomb Raider – in order to send her here, there and everywhere to visit those brave enough to host her for a week-long stay.  She plays tourist in the host city/town/village/hamlet/community and often is the centre of some very interesting debacles.  There is a rather lovely and concise description of the Jolie Pez Project here – you can follow her journey on a map, as well as read the entries that her hosts and hostesses have prepared.

Okay, so are you saying that The Jolie is coming to visit you?

Yes.  That’s exactly what I’m saying.  I’m glad that you were able to put 2 + B together.  In fact, not only is she coming to visit us, but she has arrived.  Her state of the art transportation pod has arrived, complete with space aged food for the long journey.  We will post pictures of her arrival, but we have to await approval from her “handlers”.  Personally I think she’s just stalling.  I don’t even think there are any handlers. 

Thanks to Wendy who took some time out of her busy schedule in Hammond River herding cats and peddling books and other fine wares!  Also, Wendy…we’re not 100% on this, but we’re pretty sure The Jolie ate more than her share of the dulse…

Okay, so you’re going to bring an action figure around town with you?  To take pictures?


I don’t get it.

What’s not to get?  We show her a good ol’ fashioned time in Iqaluit so she has more life experiences to add to her plethora of travels already.  Is there something wrong with that?

Uh…but it’s an action figure…

Yeah.  And?

It doesn’t make sense…

No!  You don’t make sense!


It doesn’t have to make any sense.  That’s why it works.  It’s the same reasoning behind have action figures on our wedding cake.  Because it’s cool.  So before I go off on a rant here…don’t forget to stop back for updates on The Jolie’s Misadventures in Iqaluit…either here, at Ian’s blog, or at I’ll Have Nunavut

The Apokalips has arrived.  Just don’t say I didn’t warn you…