Candy Corn…Gummies?


That’s right.  My first post after almost two months and all I’ve got to show you is my newest Bulk Barn Halloween candy discovery.

Yes…Bulk Barn already has Halloween candy!

I’m in heaven.

So yes, this is a shout out to my blend Omawarison’s blog Blurt.  Oma is very particular about his candy corn.  But one thing to note is that these are like the Twinkies of candy corn.  The nibs are never broken off, which means they are never overripe…and always in season.

Highly recommend this sugary goodness.  Chewy and taste exactly like traditional candy corn.

Perfect for this diabetic.

Incense and Peppermints

At Christmas, indulgence of traditional treats becomes the norm.  There’s always lots of homemade goodies to be had:  cookies, cakes, candies, pies.  Sometimes you need to break a little from tradition when you are helping to put together something for a Christmas dinner.

In preparing for my very first Christmas dinner in Iqaluit, I was told that I could bring something for dessert.  I was excited, since I haven’t been able to do much baking in recent months.  But what to make!  Having just moved into an apartment in the past week, I knew that I had access to all my cookbooks again, so I had lots of options to choose from.  I wanted to do something a little different, and so instead of a pie or cookies, I decided that a cheesecake would be a nice ending to a holiday meal.  I narrowed it down to a peppermint recipe that would have to be modified based upon what I could find in the stores the day before Christmas Eve.

I present to you…Peppermint Cheesecake ~ The Light and Sweet Edition (modified from the Kraft Philadelphia Brand Cream Cheese Cheesecakes book.

The first challenge of this recipe is that some of the items called for would probably not be found in the local grocery stores – particularly so close to Christmas.  Things not normally stocked would probably have been snatched up by other local bakers, and baking items were quickly running out.  Luckily, I managed to find most of what I needed, and was able to wing it for the rest.  The second challenge is that I have never made a no-bake cheesecake before – I’m must more proficient at the baked version.  So this was definitely a new experience…but regardless, would hopefully be a tasty outcome.

The Crust

The crust would be created by combining 1 cup of chocolate wafer crumbs and 3 tablespoons of melted margarine in a bowl, and pressing the mixture into a 9-inch springform pan.  Unfortunately for me, the store did not have chocolate wafer crumbs available.  Fortunately for me, I have a rolling pin and loads of plastic baggies.

Creating my own chocolate wafer crumbs

After crushing the chocolate wafers into crumbs, mixing them with the melted margarine, and pressing the mix into the pan, I baked the crust for about 10 minutes at 350° F, and set the pan aside to cool.

Yummy chocolate base

The Cheesecake

To create the cheesecake itself, I required the following ingredients:

  • 1 envelope unflavoured gelatin (about 15 mL or 1 tbsp)
  • 1/4 cup cold water
  • 2 8-ounce packages of cream cheese
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup crushed peppermint candy
  • 1 cup whipping cream
  • 2 45-g milk chocolate bars, finely chopped

Despite the fact that my package of Knox Gelatine suggested using 1/2 cup of water to dissolve in, this recipe only called for half that amount.  After allowing the gelatin to soften in the water, I heated it gently over low heat until it dissolved.

This gelatin is NOT dissolved...keep stirring and heating!

While the gelatin was cooling down a smidge, I mixed my cream cheese and sugar.  The unfortunate thing was that as a last-minute shopper, I was unable to find blocks of cream cheese, and could only find the spreadable light cream cheese packages.  I crossed my fingers and hoped that the spreadable nature of the cheese would not turn my dessert into disaster.  Once the room temperature cream cheese and sugar was mixed well, I gradually added the gelatin, milk and peppermint candy (which I previously crushed up using my handy-dandy Magic Bullet – these things are really handy!).  This eventually gave the batter a lovely pink hue.  The batter was then chilled to allow it to thicken slightly.

Mix that batter up well!

In the meantime, I whipped up the cup of whipping cream, and chopped up the chocolate so it was ready to go into the rest of the batter.


Once the batter had thickened up a bit, it was time to fold in the remaining ingredients.  First the whipping cream…

Folding the whipping cream into the batter allows for a nice marbly effect

Then the chocolate…

Mmmmmm...more chocolate...*drool*

Once everything is mixed up nicely, it’s time to pour the batter on to the crust.  Make sure the batter spreads evenly and tap the pan on the counter if you need to get rid of bumps.

Not too much longer now...

Refrigerate until firm and try not to go to the fridge every hour to drool over the cheesecake – you’ll just end up wasting power from opening the fridge multiple times.'s just going to look like this every time you check...

Once the cheesecake has chilled and firmed up (I suspect it took a few hours, though we left it overnight), you can garnish it how you see fit.  I mixed up some vanilla whipped cream (mix 1 cup whipping cream, 1/4 cup sugar and 2 tsp vanilla) and crushed up some more peppermint candies.

My decorating skills leave a little to be desired, but I filled one of those many plastic baggies that I have with the whipped cream and used it as a piping bag with minor success.  The end result was quite tasty though – all in all, no-bake cheesecakes aren’t as difficult as I thought.  Just have to remember to keep them in the fridge when they aren’t being cut or eaten!

Merry Christmas!

Pour Some Sugar On Me

My name is Suzanne and I am a candyic.

What the heck is a candyic? you ask, confused.

Well, I recall reading a rant from a former coworker of mine (hi Brandon!) that discussed that you really shouldn’t attach “holic” to items that you’re addicted to.  For example, chocoholic.  This would suggest that you are addicted to chocohol, when really, it’s chocolate.  And so, I believe candyholic would be the incorrect word to use in this case.  However, by now, I think you have the point.

I am addicted to candy.

Uh, but Suzanne…aren’t you diabetic AND an anti-dentite? you ask…still confused.

Why yes, that does happen to be the case on both accounts.  However, my addiction to candy started way before I became diabetic and much sooner than I decided I was an anti-dentite.  And let’s face it.  Those of us with addictions know that we are often powerless against them.

I feel sorry for those addicted to drugs, cigarettes or alcohol.  It’s not nearly as fun as being addicted to candy.  Take a look at some of my favourites [all images courtesy of Sweet Temptations]…

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Come on…admit it.  Your mouth is watering now, right?

I’m not the biggest fan of hard candy.  And that really chewy taffy-like stuff either – I could do without it.  But gummy candy…jelly beans…the occasional chocolate bar…yum!  I love all flavours…fruity, cinnamon, licorice, sour.  I feel a craving coming on.

Mmmm...bulk candy and chocolate...

That’s one of the things I miss the most about the south so far – not having access to one of my favourite stores in the world, Bulk Barn.  It’s a wondrous place with an aisle devoted solely to candy, and another to chocolate and nuts.  Of course, I certainly appreciated their other aisles, like the pastas and flours and spices and baked goods decorating aisles, but let’s face it.  If I was wanting to make a Bulk Barn run, it sure as heck wasn’t going to be so I could skip the candy aisle.

So why is it that I have this addiction?  How come I’m able to say no to so many other things, but not candy?  Perhaps it’s because it’s the only thing I really don’t say no to.  Those that know me, know that I’ve never smoked a cigarette in my life…don’t drink coffee…rarely drink alcohol…have never done an illicit drug in my life…so really, candy is one of my only, if not the only vice I have.  Perhaps it’s not the best choice considering the circumstances, but it’s not like I live on the edge in any other way.  My candy consumption varies too…come Halloween time, I typically do consume a bit more.  Same with Christmas.  And every once in a while I just get that craving that I can’t satisfy any other way.  You know what I’m talking about…

Now that I’m sufficiently thinking of candy again, I think I’m going to have to make an Iqaluit-wide hunt for something to satisfy this craving.  Thank goodness it’s Christmas…shouldn’t be too difficult.  😉

I Put A Spell On You

One year ago today, I married my best friend.

Phew, okay, now that the cheese is out of the way, I can tell you the story of our amazing Halloween wedding.  Where to begin…well, I suppose the most appropriate time is sometime in late July 2009.  I was flipping through my calendar at work and realized that Halloween was going to be on a Saturday that year.  Those are the most exciting Halloweens, because more people tend to go all out when the event is on a weekend.  Then it struck me.  Ian and I have been talking about getting married forever, but we weren’t sure what we wanted to do.  We didn’t know how we wanted to handle the fact that we would not be getting married in a church coming from two fairly religious families.  And we definitely wanted something memorable.  What could be more memorable than getting married on Halloween! Continue reading