An Open Letter to Generation X Video

Dear Gen X,

I’ve been in Iqaluit for six whole months now.  And I miss you.

You used to always be there for me.  I’d drop by for a visit, and you were always right there…waiting for me with open arms.  Up here, it’s just not the same.  Sure, there are other video rental stores, but I’ve only dropped in.  I never went back.  You’re the only one for me.

People up here tell me that there are options.  “Just join,” they say.  “Netflix is a great service,” still others suggest.  But really, all I want to do is weave in and out of your strangely modular sections…turning my head sideways to see the names of all your movies on the spines of the DVD boxes.  How I yearn to peel off the piece of film attached to velcro that is attached to the cases.  That’s the easiest way for your employees to help me find the movies I’m looking for.  So simple, and yet so kitschy.  Ingenious even.

You’ve been around for over a decade in the fine city of Waterloo, Ontario.  I enjoyed living there – but it was mostly because of you.  You were always there to help me find a new horror movie – introducing me to After Dark Horrorfest’s “8 Films to Die For” series.  I really liked those.  And oh the time I would spend in the foreign film section…trying to find another Takashi Miike film that I hadn’t seen yet…or some J-horror…

And don’t even get me started on your anime section.  We never even made it downstairs where you kept it all.

You helped me find Transformers:  The Movie when I needed the gift for a friend.  You introduced me to countless b-movies, made all the more impressive as part of Mystery Science Theatre 3000.

You supported my financial situation with half price days, and 2 for 1 Wednesdays…and you supported the city’s barter program.  You even sponsored the zombie walk.  You hired the nicest people with the most random movie knowledge and they were always willing to suggest a complementary film based on the other movies I decided to rent that day.

You made me laugh with your snarky buttons and magnets.  You supported the movie buffs.  You supported the GLBT community.  You supported the social pariahs and outcasts.  But mostly, you supported me.

I miss you Gen X Video.  One day I will visit you again.  And maybe, just maybe…I’ll remember my old phone number from when I lived in Kitchener…and we can begin our love affair anew.

You are the love of my life.

Yours always,

Roll Out The Barrel

It’s that time of year again…Oktoberfest is here again…

Source: Kitchener-Waterloo Oktoberfest

Yes, meine kleine Jungen und Mädchen, Oktoberfest is coming back to Kitchener-Waterloo.  So dust off your lederhosen and your beer steins and get yourself ready for North America’s largest Bavarian festival…second only to the original Oktoberfest in Germany. Continue reading