It Ain’t Me, Babe

I keep getting e-mails from WordPress.

You’ve got new a new blog follower, Suzanne.  Wouldn’t you like to welcome them?

Yes, WordPress.  I would like to do that.  But I seem to have a severe case of “I don’t know what the $#@% to write about.

And also, I really don’t think I’m the person they’re looking for.  It’s not me.  They’re looking for someone else.

But, but there’s another new follower, Suzanne.  You should probably say something.

Really?  I mean, I really don’t know what to talk about.  There’s lots of stuff going on in my life, but hmm…is any of it really noteworthy?  I mean, I suppose some of my readers don’t know that my laptop died awhile back.  And it was just really frustrating writing on my desktop as it sits on a high microwave cart.  But luckily I just recently got a new laptop.

Course, I also got Skyrim, so there goes any motivation to do any writing.  There’s dragons falling out of the sky on my character to fight.  I don’t have time to write anything on my blog.

But Suzanne, you have yet another follower.  I really think you should do something about this.


Yes.  Yes, I should.

And one more thing, Suzanne.  You have received an award from a fellow blogger.  Perhaps you should consider thanking him.  And accepting the award.

Yes, I know I should.  And I will.

But for now, I will take a moment to say thanks to my new subscribers.  And thanks to my old subscribers.  And thanks for the award.  And perhaps I should take yet another four month hiatus to see what else will come my way…?

No.  No no, I promise that I will be back writing again.  After all…New Year’s resolution time is coming up.  What better resolution to break make than to write more blog posts?

Don’t Stop Believin’

The cast of Glee did it.  Hundreds of hopefuls on musical reality television shows do it.  Thousands of drunkards in karaoke bars on Friday night do it.  So now…I’m doing it.

That’s right…I’m finally using Don’t Stop Believin’ as a post title.  Go ahead.  You can touch me.

I know you’re wondering why I would do such a thing.  Well, I’m about to let you in on the reason.  So gather round kids…let me tell you a little something…

I’ve noticed on a lot of the blogs that I read that people are all about the bucket list.  People have 30 before 30s and 40 before 40s, etc.  There are lots of things that people want to do before a particular deadline.  I might have the ambition, but I don’t necessarily have the resources to put together such a list of must-have experiences before I die.  I also have this little problem of lack of focus sometimes, so it makes things like writing priority lists of experiences a little difficult to come up with.  What I might consider to be important one day, would not necessarily be so the next.

Regardless, the other night I was watching television, and it occurred to me that I had witnessed something on the show I was watching that I really wanted to experience.  Unfortunately, without connections, a lot of money to bribe someone, or some fairy godmother to sweep in to grant me my one wish, there’s no way, no how that I’ll get to experience what I saw.  But, that doesn’t stop me from putting together a list of the unreachable dreams and goals that I would love to accomplish in my lifetime (but probably won’t if Richard Branson is not my benefactor – cuz he can make anything possible).

I present to you…

The Ultimate Bucket List (with a hole in the side)

  1. Have my own theme music – seriously.  Who doesn’t want this?  It’s like Shaft or Black Dynamite.  Walk into a room and be greeted with a solid bass line?  I can’t think of anything better.
  2. Run down the ramp and fly into the ring at a professional wrestling event – yes.  I’m that girl.  I see those wrestlers get to make spectacular entrances every week…with loud music and pyrotechnics.  I want that.  I want to be able to do this.  It goes hand in hand with my theme music.
  3. Wax poetic with Christian Bale – does anyone really need a reason behind this?  It’s Christian Bale.  I’m fairly sure that the chat would be fairly one-sided, but I wouldn’t want to interrupt that Welsh accent, now would I?
  4. Walk the hobbit sets of Lord of the Rings – I think this one is all but a pipe dream now.  The sets have long been removed, and unless they have been securely stored in perfect condition, not even Richard Branson can help me with this one.
  5. Time travel – cuz it’d be awesome.
  6. Survive and flourish through a zombie apocalypse – I’m always working on my zombie plan.  Now to just wait for the zombies…
  7. Follow Massive Attack on their next world tour – I finally got to see this band in May of 2009 after about 14 years of being a fan.  Well worth the wait.  Their next world tour may just be their last…it would be phenomenal to witness that nightly…
  8. Build a completely self-sustained, off the grid home with its own natural water filtration system, waste management system, etc., etc., etc…. – I’m not talking a compound here.  I’m just talking about a completely environmentally sustainable home in a natural environment.  Dreams can come true!
  9. Finish playing all of the Silent Hill games – I own them all.  I have started them all.  I am too scared to finish them all.
  10. Write The Jolie Adventures.  Oh, okay, this is one on the list that WILL actually happen…soon!  It’s coming…I promise!


What is the meaning of this blog title, oh Miss Rat?, you wonder.

Well, let me tell you the story of a little undertaking that a number of blends of mine have been involved with called The Jolie Pez Project.

The Jolie Pez Project? you ask, obviously intrigued now.  What is that all about?

The project is the brainchild of Omawarisan over at Blurt.  Oma has organized quite the operation.  He prepares transportation for The Jolie – the rather frisky action figure of Angelina Jolie circa Tomb Raider – in order to send her here, there and everywhere to visit those brave enough to host her for a week-long stay.  She plays tourist in the host city/town/village/hamlet/community and often is the centre of some very interesting debacles.  There is a rather lovely and concise description of the Jolie Pez Project here – you can follow her journey on a map, as well as read the entries that her hosts and hostesses have prepared.

Okay, so are you saying that The Jolie is coming to visit you?

Yes.  That’s exactly what I’m saying.  I’m glad that you were able to put 2 + B together.  In fact, not only is she coming to visit us, but she has arrived.  Her state of the art transportation pod has arrived, complete with space aged food for the long journey.  We will post pictures of her arrival, but we have to await approval from her “handlers”.  Personally I think she’s just stalling.  I don’t even think there are any handlers. 

Thanks to Wendy who took some time out of her busy schedule in Hammond River herding cats and peddling books and other fine wares!  Also, Wendy…we’re not 100% on this, but we’re pretty sure The Jolie ate more than her share of the dulse…

Okay, so you’re going to bring an action figure around town with you?  To take pictures?


I don’t get it.

What’s not to get?  We show her a good ol’ fashioned time in Iqaluit so she has more life experiences to add to her plethora of travels already.  Is there something wrong with that?

Uh…but it’s an action figure…

Yeah.  And?

It doesn’t make sense…

No!  You don’t make sense!


It doesn’t have to make any sense.  That’s why it works.  It’s the same reasoning behind have action figures on our wedding cake.  Because it’s cool.  So before I go off on a rant here…don’t forget to stop back for updates on The Jolie’s Misadventures in Iqaluit…either here, at Ian’s blog, or at I’ll Have Nunavut

The Apokalips has arrived.  Just don’t say I didn’t warn you…

I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For

I have been inspired.  Ms. Hippie Cahier has challenged us out here in the blogiverse to share with the world the search terms used that have led people to our little corner of it.  I took a look at the my history and was a little shocked…a wee bit confused…and kind of frightened.

This is a real search that led people to me. What??

Because of the whole exercise, I think I’m just going to start doing some random Google searches now and specifically seek out WordPress blogs just so that I can pad some search stats in strange ways.  Might make for some interesting finds as well… Continue reading

Everything is Everything

You know those times when you review the pictures on your camera while transferring them to your computer?  The times where you think to yourself, “just what was I trying to capture here?”  Yeah, well, I had one of those moments.  There were so many random images on my camera for this most recent transfer that I decided it might be appropriate to comment on some of them.  And what random post would be complete without new pictures of my kitties?  Not this one, obviously… Continue reading